Exciting news for Red Wicker Bag Design! My journals made from elephant dung paper are now being carried at a Minneapolis shop called Cool Planet Goods, a "green product" store that features crafts made by local artists, as well as green cleaning and bath and body products, energy efficient light bulbs, and even electric bikes. If you are in the Twin Cities area, stop by the shop to check them out! They are located at 1023 Washington Avenue, near the new Guthrie Theater.
If you attended Art-a-Whirl this May, you may have seen me at SIP Coffee Bar at 13th Ave. and Marshall in Northeast Minneapolis, where I was fortunate enough to land a spot right next to the door to sell my Elephant Dung Journals. Very exciting! I passed out a lot of business cards and got a lot of attention just from the "unique" ingredient in these books. The hottest seller that day was my Mini sized journal, which is about 3.5x4 inches. I will definitely be making more of those!
Events coming up...
I hope to pull things together in time to go to the Stone Arch Art Fair this weekend (June 14-15) in Father Hennepin Park (near the Stone Arch Bridge) with my co-worker, Lynn. I unfortunately won't be able to attend, but she will have my journals and business cards set up in her booth.
This event I will definitely be planning ahead for: the Powderhorn Art Fair (August 2-3) in Powderhorn Park, Minneapolis. Again, I will be sharing a booth with my co-worker, Lynn, so keep an eye out for us!
I will also be updating my Etsy shop when I get the new line of Elephant Dung Journals ready, so be sure to check back often! Here's the link: http://redwickerbagdesign.etsy.com