If you attended Art-a-Whirl this May, you may have seen me at SIP Coffee Bar at 13th Ave. and Marshall in Northeast Minneapolis, where I was fortunate enough to land a spot right next to the door to sell my Elephant Dung Journals. Very exciting! I passed out a lot of business cards and got a lot of attention just from the "unique" ingredient in these books. The hottest seller that day was my Mini sized journal, which is about 3.5x4 inches. I will definitely be making more of those!
Events coming up...

This event I will definitely be planning ahead for: the Powderhorn Art Fair (August 2-3) in Powderhorn Park, Minneapolis. Again, I will be sharing a booth with my co-worker, Lynn, so keep an eye out for us!
I will also be updating my Etsy shop when I get the new line of Elephant Dung Journals ready, so be sure to check back often! Here's the link: http://redwickerbagdesign.etsy.com